Central Kentucky Bible Students

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Bible Names, Places, Numbers, Symbols, and Types

This is an ongoing process. Please check back for regular updates.

If a name or place has more than one meaning attached to it, or has more than one individual or place attached to it, each variant will be list as follows (2) (3), etc.

V W X Y Z    



Tidal Splendor, High Praise or For Thanksgiving, Great son; An an ally of Chedorlaomer in the War of the five against the four; Called "king of nations," perhaps he was a chief over various nomadic tribes who inhabited different portions of Mesopotamia (Genesis 14:1, 9); May be a Hitite.


His Excellency, Breaking, Subjection, White Dove, Search For Alabaster; The son of Javan; The Grandson of Japtheh; (Genesis 10:4); (2) A wealthy city with a merchant fleet, (1 Kings 10:22), located on coast (Psalm 72:10, Isaiah 23:6, 1 Kings 22:48); (3) A Benjaminite (1 Chronicles 7:10); (4) a stone (Exodus 28:20); (5) A Persian prince (Esther 1:14); Spain;


Sacred number of the Tabernacle; Symbol of Completeness or a complete Cycle (example 10 commandments= 10 temptations of the Jews in the wilderness); complete governmental power (ten toes of Daniel’s stature; Gen. 19: 21); Biblical examples of 10: 48 boards and the pillars of the tabernacle were 10 cubits high; 10 curtains in the tabernacle; Holy was 10 cubits high, 10 cubits long; Day of Atonement on the 10th Day of the 7th month; 10 times Laban changed Jacob's wages; Israel faced 10 temptations in the wilderness; 10 righteous worthy of saving in the account of Sidom; 10 reproaches of Job; Tithe was 1/10th of Israel's increase; 5 skekels to redeem the first born of Israel and 1/10th to redeem the rest of Israel; Man, 10 fingers and toes

Ten (10 to the 2)

(100) Jesus’ Number

Ten (10 to the 3)

(1000) A sacred number raised to the 3rd power; Jehovah’s number, his dwelling place, the Most Holy (10x10x10= 1000 cubits);

Ten Horned Beast Type of Church of Rome and Rome

Delay, Wanderer; Global Spirit; The father of Abram (Abraham), Nahor, Haran Sarai (Genesis 11:24; laterĀ Sarah). Terah left Ur of the Chaldeans to journeyed to Haran (Genesis 11:31). An ancestor of Christ. According to the Midrash, Terah, in addition to being an idolater himself, made and sold idols; and during his absence he compelled Abraham to act as a merchant for him. (2) A town that Israel encountered during the wilderness years (Numbers 33:27).


Three Hundred and Sixty (360)

Circle; Jehovah’s immortality (no beginning, no ending); Boards of Tabernacle represent Church of Gospel Age, dwelling place of God while they are still in the flesh; Each of the boards had a cubic measurement + 71/2 cubit cubits, 48 boards is 48 x 71/2 = 360, showing church’s reward of Divine Nature; Length, breadth and height in the Ark (51/2) + Incense Altar (4) + Altar of Burnt Offering (13) =221/2 x 42 (Jehovah’s attributes) = 360.

Tigris Hiddekel, Keen, Frivolity; It rises in the mountains of Armenia a few miles from the main branch of the Euphrates river
Togarmah Breaking Bones, Bone Breaker; (Genesis 10:3, I Chronicles 1:6) Son of Gomer; Grandson of Japtheh; Established a town called Beth-Togarmah (Ezekiel 27:14 and 38:6)
Trees Type of Men
Tubal From the verb yabal to flow or carry around, and tebel world economy; Son a Japheth, mentioned in (Isaiah 66:19, Ezekiel 27:13, 38:2)
Tubal Cain World Spear, World Government; forger of metals; Son of Lamech, mother was Zillah, descendent of Cain


Represents Jesus & the Church

Two Horned Beast Type of the Church of England
Tyre Lebanon