Central Kentucky Bible Students

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Bible Names, Places, Numbers, Symbols, and Types

This is an ongoing process. Please check back for regular updates.

If a name or place has more than one meaning attached to it, or has more than one individual or place attached to it, each variant will be list as follows (2) (3), etc.

V W X Y Z    



Babylon Babel or Confusion, Gate of God, Anointed, Saturated, Through Production, Through Drive, Through Propitiation ; Type of Catholic Church; Babel in Hebrew; Babylon in Greek (See Babylon) (See The Meaning of Babylon) (See Babylon is Fallen)
Babel Gate Of God, Anointed, Saturated Through Production, Through Drive, Through Propitiation; Babylon; Founded by Nimrod; (Genesis 11:1-9); Tower of Babel;
Barley Type of Christian Character Traits; Strong's 2915 (Greek) krithḗ, the grain eaten by the common person, as opposed to using the more expensive wheat. Barley was used "principally as food for horses" (Zod, Dict).
Beast Type of Papal System of Government; (2) Type of Institution or government with unholy characteristics
Beast (with four faces) Type of God's Four Main Attributes, Power, Justice, Wisdom, Love

Type of a Place of Affliction; (2) Type of Creeds (Creed Beds); Strong's (Greek) koite: a bed, a place for lying down, resting, sleeping in; a bed, couch (Luke 11:7), the marriage-bed, (Hebrew3 13:4), cohabitation, whether lawful or unlawful; Strong's (Hebrew) matstsa: couch, bed (Isaiah 28:20); (See Fornication)

Beheaded Type of Giving up personal will to do God's will


Destruction, Consuming, Swallowing; one of the five cities of the plain which was spared at the intercession of Lot, and received the name of Zoar; (2) the name of the son of Beor who reigned in Edom: and the name of his city was Dinhabah (Gen. 36:22); (3) First born son of Benjamin (Num. 26:28); (4) a son of Ahaz, a Reubenite 


Belly Type of Effects of having taken in and assimilated information
Bera Son of Evil, In Evil; King of Sodom, War of the Four Kings against the Five (Genesis 14);
Bethel House of God; A One is a town in Simeon (1 Samuel 30:27); (2) A town within the borders of Benjamin (formally called Luz), ten miles South of Jerusalem ((Judges 21:19); Bethel was named by Jacob after he sees the vision of a ladder which reaches into the heavens. Abraham lived there for a time (Genesis 12:8). During the period of the Judges, the Ark of the Covenant was located here; Samuel held court in Bethel (1 Samuel 7:15). Bethel is where two bears attacked 42 boys after they mocked the prophet Elisha (2 Kings 2:23). It was the site of the official shrine of the Kingdom of Israel. It served as a pilgrimage site competing with the Jerusalem Temple. It was condemned by the prophets for statue of the golden calf housed there and its unauthorized (By Jehovah) priesthood. The Shine was destroyed by King Josiah. After returning from the Babylonian exile, it belonged to Judea (Ezra 2:28).
Bird Type of Unclean, demon, profiteer, pushing personal ideologies
Birsha Son of Wickedness, With Wickedness, A son who beholds; Birsha is the king of Gomorrah during the War of Four against Five Kings (Genesis 14);
Black Type of Being Devoid of light (truth)
Blood Type of Life or its Value
Bottomless Pit Type of Powerlessness, dormancy
Bozrah Type of Ecclesiastism
Bridles Type of Controlling Element
Brimstone Type of Deadly poison (shows no way of escape)